
目前顯示的是 2006的文章

Farewell! - ASelkirk(2006/12/08)

Please visit here:My Place in the Crowd : Farewell! .

Farewell - VF(2006/11/30)

Dear All, Today is my last day in M.... I'm glad to meet and work with all of you even though it's just short time in M. Thank you so much for such special and cherished memory from you, and also wish you have successful future. Below is the way to contact me for future, and hopefully keeping in touch with you. My personal email & MSN: fv@xxxxxxxx.com Best regards, VF

S 向大家Say Googbye (2006/11/24)

Dear all: 今天是我在 M 的最後一天 很高興有機會和大家共事 感謝各位這幾年來的合作與照顧 接下來將由 Y 繼續為我們 XX BU 服務!!! 在此留下我的連絡方式: MSN:s@1234567.com E-MAIL:s@12345.com 祝大家工作順利、股票大漲賺大錢.... PS.因流程跑太晚,導致Outlook權限被關閉,所以只好麻煩 Y 代發這封信~ S

Simply Patrick: Farewell, again. :-)

Please visit here:Simply Patrick: Farewell, again. :-)

Farewell - PC (2006/10/13)

Hi My Friends, Due to my career plan, I’m leaving M today and my job will transfer to David (david@mnopqrstuvwxyz.com) and Sara (sara@mmnopqrstuvwxyz.com) It's very hard for me to make this decision but after much thinking I feel that I must adjust my career path to continuously advance myself towards my next goals. It's glad to be a part of M Channel Sales team and I enjoy working with you all. I had obtained valuable experiences and I've learned a lot form all of you. The M mail address pc@mnopqrstuvwxyz.com will stop from 13:00 today and my person contact is pc@yz.com. Keep in touch. Best regards, PC

Say Googbye to all partners - MH (2006/09/11)

Dear all: M 要跟大家說再見了!由於個人生涯規劃的緣故,所以於今天要離開大家了,接下來將由XX(分機####)接替我的工作,他將與 M'(分機####)一起為整個BU同仁服務。 祝 大家工作順利 產品大賣~ Best regards, MH My email: h@y.com

Farewell - WH(2006/08/31)

Dear all, 今天是我在M的最後一個上班日, 很感謝公司給我這個機會,讓我在這一年四個月的時間裏獲益良多, 也很感謝過去這段時間, 大家對我的幫忙與指教. 我負責的職務由 S 和 A 來接任 最後祝大家身體健康, 萬事如意 以下是我的聯絡方式, 希望大家能保持聯絡. msn: w??????????@hotmail.com e-mail: W?????????@yahoo.com.ss Best Regard WH

Thank you - Caro (2006/08/04)

Dear Team, I am taking a one year leave from today, Friday, 08/04/06. I want to thank each one of you for your great effort and support in all launching Models of XXX products. Without your support I personally would not have been successful. We have gone through a lot and learned a lot from each other. For the most part, it was me that had to do all the learning. Personally, I have truly enjoyed the many years in this exciting XXX Team and have been privileged to work with such a highly spirited world-class team, delivering instant value to XX´s business units as well as to vendors and clients. So before moving on, I want to take another moment and say thank you again for the sustained performance/results and the very special work environment within XX XXX Team, you all have made possible with your positive attitude and best team spirit. For those of you moving on into this outstanding XXX team, I wish you all the best and success in your future professional career. Please continue to...

Farewell - Lo (2006/07/12)

Dear all, It's my last day in M. I have very much enjoyed working with all of you over the past 2 years. There is a lot of warm memories about you in my mind. Deeply, I hope one day we can see each other somewhere in the future. And I hope you guys will remeber to contact me. Wish each one of you good health and a lot of success in life. Last, the most important thing I want to say is " thank you, my friends " Regards

Farewell - Kathy (2006/06/09)

親愛的 M 同事們, 今天是我在 M 的最後ㄧ天, 在這二年多的日子裡我獲益良多, 工作上的知識,與人相處的技巧,同事間的情誼, 都讓我在這段時間過的很充實, 感謝大家過去的支持與幫忙, 尤其是與我一同共事的夥伴們, 往後我的職務將交接給 CC(####), 請大家繼續支持 XXXXX, 最後祝大家工作順心,身體健康 GO GO 加油 ~~~

Job transfer - ML (2006/05/30)

Dear all: 即日起我將轉調至 XXX Team, 工作部份將轉由 Betty 負責 非常感謝這些年來大家的協助與配合 若未來在我能力範圍可以幫忙的,也很樂意提供協助 還是要再次謝謝大家這段時間的照顧. Best Regards ML

Ciao ~ AW (2006/05/30)

今天是我在 M 的最後一天,感謝這兩年半以來大家對我的協助與支持,在這裡結識了許多感情不錯的同事,希望將來能繼續保持聯繫 AW ########## MSN: ai@xyz.com

Farewell - KC (2006/05/30)

Dear all, 今天是我在 M 的最後一個上班日, 很感謝公司給我這個機會,讓我在這些年裡獲益良多, 也很感謝過去這段時間,大家對我的幫忙與指教, 中間如有努力不夠的地方,還請見諒. 我將負責的職務轉交給 AL 與 RL. 他們將會全力為您服務. 最後祝大家身體健康,一切順利 以下是我的聯絡方式,希望大家能保持聯絡. E-mail: kc@yyyy.xxxx.zzz ########## 珍重 再見 KC

Say Farewell - VT (2006/05/30)

Dear Friends, Today is my last work day in M, I deeply appreciated your help for about seven years. You are good partners who let me learn so much. You can reach me, my home address: vt@xxx.yyy.net. My mobile phone : ######### Best Regards ! VT

嗨~~~請將W加入MSN喔 - WL (2006/05/19)

到了在M上班的最後一天,感謝各位這些年來的指導. 希望大家能將我加入MSN好友名單中,以便日後的聯繫囉~~ My MSN: ml@xxxxx.com.tw 祝 平安順心 W

Say Good Bye! - KZ (2006/05/19)

Dear All: This is my last working day in M today.. Thanks for everyone in every things you did and support me in the pass two years. It's my pleasure to work with all of you as well .... my personal e-mail is: az@XXXXXXXX.com mobile phone: ########## my job pass on below member already : 1. XXXXX , CY ##### 2. XXXXX, RL ##### If any with project issue....please contact with them from now on. Anyway, please do remember to keep in touch .....,I look forward to have an opportunity to work with you again. Please take care and good bye .... my friends. Best Regards! KZ

Farewell from GP (2006/05/12)

Dear fellow colleagues, I'm sending this message as I am about to leaving (today is my last day at M). I want to say good-bye and thank you to everyone and express my pleasure at having worked with all of you for past year. I'd love to hear from people in M, so please keep my email address handy. Good-bye and good luck! GP mailto:gp@xxx.xxxxxx.xxx Mobile: +###-###-######

Good bye, Farewell - KW (2006/05/08)

Dear all: 今天是我在M的最後一天. 四年多一路走來受到了許多人的幫忙與照顧,批評及指教. 因而讓我學習成長了不少.感謝大家!! 特別謝謝 XXXX 的同事們在這兩年內的對我照顧, 也謝謝MIS對我在 XXXX 的時候的大力協助. 以下是我的聯絡方式,希望還能夠跟大家保持聯絡. MSN/ E-mail: kwh@xxxxxxxx.com 祝大家 步步高升~ ^.^~ KW

R is leaving - R(2006/05/05)

Hi Guys, Sorry to bother you but to inform you that R is leaving you guys from now. Her successor JP@#### will continue helping with you guys and provide you quality service. You can also reach R with her email address: R@###.XXX.com.tw or MSN: R@XXX.com Ciao! Best Regards,

So Long Farewell - So Long Farewell(2006/04/29)

Dear all, It is my last day in M. Thank you for being so supportive in the past years. I would like to dedicate special thanks to all the members in technical support department, S team, B team and H team. I cannot get things done without your help. Hope all of you will have great day and great fun in the coming holidays. My contact: s#####@XXXXX.com (also is MSN account) Cheung

JS's job transfer - JS (2006/04/17)

Dear all, Due to my personal career planning, I will be temporarily on leave for 3 months from tomorrow. AC will be my acting for XXXXX & XXXXX EH will be my acting for XXXXX. Other MP models will be all transferred to S. I would like to say thank you all for supporting in the past years. Wish you all have a better life in the future. JS

Job Transition - J. (2006/03/20)

Hi, Due to job transition, I will move to XXX dep. tomorrow afternoon. I really appreciate for any assistance and cooperation that you had given to me for the last year in YYY dep. Good luck to everyone! Best Regards, J.

ML -last day @XX - ML (2006/03/30)

Dear All, It’s my turn to say thank you to all of you. Fortunately, I just change to XX team but still in M. (or you may say unfortunately….haha) Well, it’s really my pleasure to co-work with you for these three years. No matter we may have argument, fighting or misunderstanding, I’m sure you’re good partners who let me learn so much. Same e-mail same phone extension you can reach me…..keep in touch. Best Regards ! ML

It's time to say goodbye. - WP (2006/03/23)

Dear All, Today is my last day at M. I very enjoy past 4 years working experience with you and get much learning from you too. Due to personal carrier plan, I will change to other territory. Wish all of you have wonderful life everyday! You also can reach me via mobile phone ########## or e-mail: wp@XXXXXXX.com or MSN: wp@XXXXXXX.com

farewell - yc (2005/??/??)

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farewell - tyc (2006/03/15)

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H will leave M on 3/17 - H (2006/03/14)

Dear all, Thanks for your kind support to me now and past. It's a great experience to cowork as a team like you. I have different plan in career, will leave M this week. Wish you all have a successful life, both in office and home. I will take days off during 3/14 ~ 3/16, back to office on 3/17 to pack. Call me ########## if you wanna gossip. Mail me hXXXXX@XX##.XXXX.net if you have something great to share. Bye now. Best Regards, H,

Good-Bye~ Sam (2006/03/10)

Dear All, It's time to go. I will leave M on 3/10. 3Q 4 your help during these years. See u. Sam E-Mail / MSN:sam@XXXXXXX.com

It's time to say goodbye. - ML(2006/03/08)

Dear All, Today is my last day at M. I very enjoy past time working experience with you and get much learning from you too. Due to personal carrier plan, I will change to other territory. MH will be my replacement from now on (mh@xxx.com.tw , ext.####) I believe she will provide the best coordination and services to all of you. Wish all of you have wonderful life everyday ! You also can reach me via mobile phone ####-###-### or email ml82@xxxxx.com Best regards, ML

KG 畢業了 - KG (2006/03/08)

Dear All : 今天是進 M 辦公室的最後一天了, 相逢自是有緣, 短短五個多月中, 階段性任務(XXXXX)總算是告一段落, 工作上相關將可詢問我的主管: Lu-####, 短期業務交接將由: Tsai-####與 Lo-####協助處理. Outlook上有些 XXXXX 訊息資料可參考, 各位如需了解請上 XXXX→YYY→ZZ資料夾 查詢. 祝各位 , 健康, 快樂 !! KG 1795 ZZ_KG (94.09.26~95.03.08)

今天 2006.02.28 我先下車 . Goodbye Bluestar - AC (2006/02/28)

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Good bye, Farewell - Bruce (2006/02/28)

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我畢業了 !! 再見 ~ 各位主管及同仁 - YL

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Farewell - Lu (2006/01/02)

Dear all, Today is my last working day in M. I would like to say THANK YOU for all the great support during the two years. It’s always great experience to work with you all. The two years here are very important parts of my life. From now on, my XXXX job has been moved to Mr. Chen (####). He is the best product marketing to support you. My personal contacts are as below. E-mail:*****@yahoo.com.tw Phone:####-###### Please keep me in touch. Happy New Year & Best Regards! Lu