Fareware from Jenny - Jenny (2004/10/22)

Hi friends,
Today is my last day in M. For my family conern, I'll pursue another life and career in China.
My project will be transferred to S*****l and D****e as listed below:
S*****l(ext:####) will be the PM for XXXX I1 & XXXX series projects.
D****e(ext. ####) would be in charge of XXXX project.

Thanks for all your great support and kind assistance in the past years and hope our paths would cross again in the future.
I wish all of you the best!

My personal e-mail address : XXXX@msXX.hinet.net
Mobile : ####-######




Farewell! - E (2010/4/23)

本人將於5/31畢業~在此資訊交流與感謝大家這段日子的照顧 - LT (2007/5/31)

Farewell - Ken** (2005/05/13)