
目前顯示的是 12月, 2005的文章

Farewell - Hung (2005/11/30)

Dear All, It is hard to say today is my last day at M. It’s my pleasure to work with all of you, and thank you for your full support in my past time. Anyway, please do remember to keep in touch to each other. I’ll always be available on MSN and personal e-mail *****@****.net.tw. I look forward to have the opportunities to work with you in the future. Finally, my friends please take care and good bye. Best Regards, Hung

Farewell - Wu (2005/11/17)

Dear all, Farewell! Thanks for your help and support in the past 2.5 years! Good bye ,my friends! Best Regards, Wu E-mail: *****@yahoo.com.tw MSN: *****@hotmail.com Mobile phone: ##########

Farewell - Fe*** (2005/06/03)

Dear All, 今天是我在 O 的最後一天, 很高興這段時能與大家共事, 也很感謝大家在我在 O 這九個月來的幫助與照顧. 這是我常用的私人mail: *****@*****.***.**, 也歡迎大家用MSN (*****@***.*** ) 與 skype ( ####### ) 與我連繫. Fe***

Position transfering - Liu (2005/09/30)

Dear all: It is sorry to say good bye that I am leaving my current position. Alice will be my replacement from now on(*****@*****.com.tw). I believe that she will provide the best coordination and services to all of you. pls give her you great support, tks. Thanks for coworking with me for this time frame. Liu

Farewell - Rich***(2005/09/18)

Dear All, Due to the personal reasons, this Wed.(9/21) is my last day in M. Truly appreciate your kindness supports during my past 29 months here It’s my greatest pleasure to work in this big family. I look forward to have the opportunities to work with you some time in the future. Lin will be my replacement from now on (*****@*****.com.tw, ext.####). I believe he will provide the best coordination and services to all of you. I'm very sorry that it's time to say good-bye now , but remember to keep in touch for each other! My personal e-mail: *****@yahoo.com.tw MSN: *****@hotmail.com Tel:########## Keep in touch!! Best regards, Rich***

離職信 - Eric (2005/09/15)

你們好: 雖然我知道各位今天收到很多這樣的信 但我還是例行公事的說 今天是我在 M 的最後一天 以後 XXX 請找各 XXX 人員 謝謝大家2年來的幫忙及合作 珍重再見! Eric

珍重再見 ~ ~ ~ 各位已經認識及還來不及認識的朋友們 !!! - Teng (2005/09/15)

Dear All : 各位敬愛的同事與主管們 ~ ~ 今天是小弟在 M 的最後一天;非常感謝各位這段時間的照顧與包容;很慶幸能在 M 遇見各位;不管已經認識還是來不及認識的朋友們,我的職掌部分今後將交由 XXX的~ Yang(####), Peng(####)繼續控管;希望大家能繼續協助她們兩位,並給予支持與鼓勵,以後有機會再見面了;更期望 M 能越來越好,再現昔日耀眼光芒 !!! ~ ~ ~ 珍重再見 ~ ~ ~ Teng

Farewell - Ben (2005/09/15)

Dear all, Due to personal career planning, this Friday (Sept.16th) will be my last day in M. I want to thank you all for supporting in the past years. Wish you and M all the best in the future. Thank you very much and farewell. Best regards, Ben

JOB transfer ~ Vi**** (2005/08/23)

Dear All, It will be my last day in M this Thursday (Aug.25.2005). My job will be transferred as below Ivy (####) will take care of XXX, XXX, and XXX Fran**** (####) will take care of XXX Please start to mail to related person also C.C me~ Thank you all for the support in past year, and wish you all have wonderful life in M~~ Sincerely, Vi****

Farewell my dear friend ~ Kat****** (2005/8/19)

Dear all: 這週五(8/19)是我在 M 的最後一天,我親愛的好友們,謝謝你這六年半的照顧與支持,也謝謝你們給我生命中的喜樂與哀愁。 在 M 的2,363個日子裡,讓我對”它”與”家”劃上了=號,而你們就如同我的家人般,有著無法割捨的情感。 希望你們一切安好、順心~~~ 我的工作已轉由其它伙伴負責,希望大家能繼續挺XXX: XXX & XXX BU account window: Ei**** (####) XXX & XXX/XXX 業務 & XXX account window: An*** (####) XXX/XXX account window: Hen** / An*** (####/####) 雖然離開 M ,但大家一樣是好友喔~~ my hotmail box /my msn (*****@hotmail.com) my cell phone number---########## 加油! 愛你們的 Kat****** 我願變成童話裡,你愛的那個天使,展開雙手變成翅膀守護你

Today Is My Last Day.... ~ Li* (2005/08/09)

Dear All: 08/09是我最後待在 M 的日子 在這將近一千個日子理 感謝大家的協助、包涵 附上我的連絡電話 歡迎來電 TEL:########## MSN:*****@msn.com 3Q Best Regards, Li*

再見了,各位 ~ Liu (2005/07/26)

Dear All, 因為個人生涯規劃,明天是我待在 M 的最後一天,感謝各位這些日子以來的幫助,明天中午我請各位吃古早傳說(因為我喜歡去這個地方),在一次的感謝各位,相信以後會有再合作的機會 Best Regards Liu

Ed**** is leaving M and moving back to San Jose area ~ Ed**** (2005/07/13)

Dear All, As you may have heard that I am moving my family back to California on next week; therefore, I would have to resign from my current position in M. It has been a very fruitful overseas experience for me to work in Taiwan for the past 5.5 years. I felt so grateful to get to married my wife and had a baby daughter while working hard together with you folks in M in the past 3.5 years. Taiwan and M have been so nice to me. I will miss you all. Since haven’t settled down with my next job in Silicon Valley yet, I don’t have a work phone and email address to give you at this moment. Please contact me at my personal email address at *****@yahoo.com.tw and home phone number +#-###-###-#### for now. Please make sure to let me know if you ever have chance to come to San Jose area either for business trip or personal vacation. It will be my honor to treat you at my home town. Thanks and will see you again soon. Sincerely, Ed****

辭職 - Dong (2005/07/13)

Dear *****: 基于个人职业规划的考虑以及为了追求更加美好的生活,我本人现在郑重提出辞职。 在这里工作已经三年了,其间有很多的收获,也有些许的辛酸,不过这些经历都让我有所成长,更加成熟,衷心感谢你们三年来在工作和生活等方面的指导,也感谢 M 给我人生的第一份工作,使我人生有了良好的开端。 为了不给team带来较大的影响,考虑较长一段时间,于 XXXXX 将要结案之时提出辞职,希望能够批准!按公司的规定离职需要一个月之前提出,所以希望能够08/15办理手续。 衷心感谢三年来的指导,望能够批准! Best Regards, Dong

Farewall~ Jerry (2005/07/12)

Dear all, Due to my career plan, I am going to study in US. Today is my last day in M. It is a great experience to work with all you professionals. Many thanks for all your support during these days. And special thanks to XXXX team!! Eventually, we are going to mass production because of all your efforts. Let’s keep in touch!! My personal email & MSN is *****@seed.net.tw. Hope everything well!! Sincerely yours, Jerry

謝謝大家 - Fr** (2005/07/04)

Dear Friends, 感謝大家四年多來的照顧, 我要暫時回學校充充電, 以下是我的聯絡資料 有空常聯絡…… e-mail: *****@yahoo.com.tw msn: *****@msn.com cell phone No: ########## Thank you again, Best Regard, Fr**

Say goodbye to all - Simon(2005/07/01)

Dear All: Today is my last day at M. I very enjoy past over 3 and half years working experience with you and get much learning from you too. Due to personal carrier plan, I will change to other territory. Wish all of you have wonderful life everyday ! You also can reach me via mobile phone ########## or email *****@gmail.com Thanks, Simon

farewell - Jasmine (2005/06/30)

Dear All: BTW, Today is my last working day in M, I would like to thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given. These past three years have been among the most rewarding in my career life. Best wishes to all of you... Best Regard Jasmine

Farewell - J***n (2005/06/17)

Dear All, Today is my last day in M. Thanks for your help the past almost 5 years! I was so lucky to work with all of you! Jack will be my replacement for XXXXX and XXXXX window. He will provide the best services to you and please give him your kindly supports. Wish all of you have nice days!!! Please keep in touch with me! My mobile: ########## E-mail/msn:j*****@*****.net.tw J***n

Pe**y's last working day in M - Pe**y (2005/06/16)

Dear All, In order to chasing after further education, today is my last working day in M. It was great to work with you all during the past almost 2 years. My e-mail/MSN : pe**y@*****.com.tw and my mobile : ########## pls stay in touch. Lynn will be my replacement from now on (lynn@***.com.tw). I believe that she will provide the best coordination and services to all of you. Thanks and appreciates to all of you for continuously support. Thanks and Regards pe**y

大家保重 - Pat (2005/06/03)

Dear all, 我忍不住要用中文打這封信 想要讓你們看看我三年來中文進步的程度 謝謝大家對我的照顧 這三年來我在台灣的家人就是你們 我會永遠記得你們 我如果來台灣還是會用現在的手機號碼 加拿大辦了新手機再跟你們說 我的 email 是 *****@hotmail.com 大家保重 注意健康 (健康沒了, 其他都沒了) Pat 最後 忍不住要 show 一下我的貓兒子

Thanks for your great supports in the past years, KC will have a job rotation to XXX form 6/1 - KC (2005/05/31)

Dear All, Thanks for your great supports in the past years I will have a job rotation to XXXX form 6/1. Because that the Job rotation and the new organization of our new BU, I would like to introduce the new XXX team to you, (The organization map is elided...) Thank you again and please keep helping the new members for the XXX job. KC.

Say Good-bye To You! - PH (2005/05/31)

Dear All, Today is my last day in M. Truly appreciate your kindness supports during my past about 4 years here. I will retire in a while for my career life. Chang will be my replacement from now on (*****@*****.com.tw). I believe that he will provide the best coordination and services to all of you. My personal e-mail: ***@****.hinet.net MSN: *****@hotmail.com Cell phone: ########## Keep in touch PH

哈囉~~告假半年 - Lin (2005/05/20)

哈囉~~大夥!! 因個人因素前往海外研習,因此特辦理留停半年, 在過去近兩年的日子裡,很衷心感謝各位夥伴的支持與協助, 對於來不及當面道別的同仁,在這裡說聲抱歉, 若相關業務上有需要的地方,請找 Ala*, Eri**,或是 A** 即可。 以下是我的Email,歡迎隨時與我連絡。 *****@***.hinet.net 謝謝大家!!! ^_____^.. Lin

Farewell - Ken** (2005/05/13)

Dear All, Today is my last day in M. Truly appreciate your kindness supports during my past about 3 years here. I look forward to having the opportunities to work with you some time in the future. Man** will be my replacement from now on (man**@*****.com.tw , ext.####). I believe she will provide the best coordination and services to all of you. My personal e-mail: *****@****.hinet.net MSN:*****@hotmail.com Tel:########## Keep in touch Best regards, Ken**

Say Goodbye! - D***er (2005/05/13)

Dear All, 今天是小弟在 M 上班的最後一天, 小弟的聯絡方式如後,希望以後仍有 機會和大家相處, 珍重再見! D***er e-mail: *****@***.hinet.net tel: ##########

So long - C****es (2005/05/13)

Dear all, In seeking of work-life balance, I am going to say good-bye to all of you today with sorrow and lingerer. Although it is a short period time to work with you at XXXX throughout my career life, I perceive the positive energy, candor, diligence, and maturity emitting from everyone. With your persistent efforts and supports, XXXX definitely will have a brilliant and prosperous future in consumer's electronic market. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Huang especially for offering me the job to work at M. Even at the time of my leaving, he impressed me strongly with his broadmindedness, generosity, and honesty, which rarely can be found among Chinese bosses. My heart was touched. My contact information is listed below. Telephone #: ###-###-#### E-mail address: ****@msn.com Be my guest, when you pay a visit to San Jose in one day. Keep in touch and wish you all the best. C****es

Farewell - Mi****l (2005/04/19)

Today is my last day in M. Truly appreciate your kindness supports during my past 7 years here. I look forward to having the opportunities to work with you some time in the future. William will be my XXX replacement from now on (william@***.com.tw , ext.####) I believe he will provide the best coordination and services to all of you. Best Regards, Mi****l

Job transfer - E***n (2005/04/01)

Dear ~~~ I would like to thank you for supporting. Since I'll leave on 08 -APR, so my current job will transfer to D***y. Please add her in your mail list and give her a best support as well. If any, pls don't hesitate to let us know! TKS~~ Her contact informtion is as following e-mail: *****@***.com.tw Direct:####

Farewell - M****e (2005/03/31)

Dear All, 感謝在 M 與大家共事的日子, 更感謝 Paul(ext. ####) 給予我機會擔任XXXXX PM 一職, 磨練如何溝通協調與團對合作, 歡迎有興趣接受挑戰的同仁可轉任XXXXX擔任 PM, 相信必定如我一樣收穫良多. 由感於現在人生活忙碌, 苦無時間進行自身生涯規劃及財務管理, 在美時進修 Personal Finance, 將於5月3日轉任XX銀行 (XX捷運站出口往左走, XXX旁) 任職 “理財顧問”, 如有任何問題, 請洽: XX銀行 理財顧問 M****e ####-###-### email / MSN: *****@yahoo.com Thanks a lot! Regards, M****e

Farewell - A**y (2005/03/25)

Dear my colleagues and friends : For my personal concern and career plan, I will leave M at the end of this month. I would like to say thank you all for your fully support, assistance and advice in past 3 years, and I do learn a lot of professionalism while I worked with you here. For my job deputy , contact window for XXXXX is N**l (EXT ####), for YYYYY is J*y( EXT ####) , they need your support as well as before . Hopefully we shall able to keep in touch and have chance to co-work again in the future, and you are very welcome to contact me via my mobile ########## and personal e-mail *****@yahoo.com.tw anytime. Best Regards A**y

Thanks and Goodbye! - H***y (2005/02/25)

Dear all, Today is my last working day in M. I sincerely appreciate to all of your kind supports given to my job during past 2 years, I will keep these in my heart. My personal contact is as follow: E-mail: *****@gmail.com MSN: *****@hotmail.com Mobile: ####-####-### Good luck and keep in touch! Best regards, H***y

say goodbay - Jennie(2005/02/24)

各位主管,同仁們 小妹我服務本部門只到2/28,即將離開至XXXX課, 希望未來的日子,還有機會為大家服務 ^_^ Best regards Jennie

感謝各位長官、同事這四年多來對Jason的照顧 - Jason (2004/12/31)

親愛的長官與同事們, 今日93/12/31為Jason於M任職的最後一天,在此很感謝與榮幸,受各位長官、同事這四年多來對Jason的照顧、幫忙與扶持。Jason祝福大家在新的一年一切順利、身體健康、新年快樂! Thanks & Regards Jason E-MAIL: *****@*****.com.tw MSN: *****@ms##.seeder.net Mobilephone: ####-####-###

So Long.....R****d (2004/11/30)

Dear My Friends: It's 11 PM. It means my time to say good bye to you all. For past thousands days, you all made us a team . We faced and solved many many things together. I am not able to count it one by one. Because of saddest already full in my mind. Finally , I have to say , You could be great and you are great. I am so lucky and proud can work with you. Bye , My friends , good luck to all of you and keep in touch. Best Regards , R****d EMAIL: *****@ms##.hinet.net

So Long..... - B*****d (2004/11/30)

Dear All: Today is my last day in M, thanks for your all time support while I am working with all of you. Thanks for the patient that my team member gives me, and really enjoy working with you guys. Please keep in touch and good luck to all of you. Regards, B*****d Email: *****@yahoo.com MSN Account: *****@*****.com

Your last day to see me in M - St**** (2004/11/25)

Dear All, Today is your last day to see me in M. Appreciated your kindly support since I joined M XXX team, below is my personal mail accounts. Keep in touch. *****@yahoo.com.tw *****@hotmail.com Best Regards, St****

Goodbye - Ar**** (2004/11/12)

Dear Colleagues, Today is my last day work at M. It's been a great pleasure working with you, and I deeply appreciate your kindness and great support to me. If anything I can help with in the future, please give me a call. Thank you and goodbye, Ar**** ####-###-###

Farewell to XXX Staffs - St** (2004/11/10)

Dear Colleagues, Today is my last day in M. I appreciate your fully supporting in the past years. If you feel sad please call 醫務室 心理諮商:情緒壓力問題. If you feel so happy please don't let me know , otherwise , I'll 看擘ㄉㄟ. If you have any further comment please contact my successor G***. G***'s contact information is, g***@***.com.tw Tel: ###-#-########, ext ### Cell phone : ###-####-###-### For Projects progress, please contact following window. B*** (#####): XXXX Br*** (#####): XXXX G*** (#####): XXXX Hi**** (#####): XXXX Le*** (#####): XXXX Ri*** (#####) : XXXX Ro*** (#####): XXXX Good-bye, Best Wishes, St**

Say Goodbye to the colleagus in M - Max (2004/10/27)

Dear Colleagues, As you may know that Oct. 29th, 2004 will be my last working day with M. After nearly 19 months with XXX product department, I did learn lots of XXX related technical skill and knowledge from you. And also shared with you all the good and sad things during XXXX/XXXX(XXXXX projects), XXXXX (M owned) and XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX series project, this will be my best memory with you and M. Wish you all the best with M in the near future. And if you like, please keep on touch with me with the following information: Mail address: XXXXX@XXX.hinet.net Mobile Phone: ####-###### May God bless you from Mt. Zion. Sincerely yours, Max

Fareware from Jenny - Jenny (2004/10/22)

Hi friends, Today is my last day in M. For my family conern, I'll pursue another life and career in China. My project will be transferred to S*****l and D****e as listed below: S*****l(ext:####) will be the PM for XXXX I1 & XXXX series projects. D****e(ext. ####) would be in charge of XXXX project. Thanks for all your great support and kind assistance in the past years and hope our paths would cross again in the future. I wish all of you the best! My personal e-mail address : XXXX@msXX.hinet.net Mobile : ####-###### Regards, Jenny

I am leaving M - B****n (2005/10/18)

Hi All: I will leave M for personal reason by the end of this month. Very thanks all the helps from you guys. You still can reach me by this wednesday and then I will have a long vacation. God bless you all. Best Regards B****n

我要 10/8 離職囉 - Ri***** (2004/10/06)

各位好朋友, 我即將於 10/8 離職, 關於工作的部份: DOS 部分 (含 XXXXX) 請聯絡 JY #### Windiws 部分 請聯絡 JC #### 謝謝大家這些日子的幫忙~ 這裡是我的聯絡方式 MSN: *****@hotmail.com Mail: *****@gmail.com Best regards, Ri*****

Today is my last day in M - Iv***** (2004/09/30)

Dear All , This is Iv*****. Today is my last day in M. Thanks all of your support in the past. any question please contact me by email or MSN. email : *****@pchome.com.tw MSN : *****@hotmail.com Iv*****

中秋節快樂 - Sta**** (2004/09/24)

Dear my friends, 又到了一年一度團聚的時刻, 很遺憾的是要再這個時間與大家道別, 對於一部分人來說, 今天是最後一天會遇到我, 所以我想還是今天就告知各位, 我將要離去. 嗯...我想也不多說好了...我留下我的連絡方法...以後有問題的時候還是可以互相切磋.... MSN: ***** Gmail: sta****@**** mobile phone: ########## 希望在未來還有機會跟各位合作...祝大家中秋玩的愉快ㄚ.... Best regards, Sta****

Farewell - Ja*** (2004/09/09)

Dear All, Today is my last day at M. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your great support in the last 5 months. I did enjoy working with you all. My e-mail address is *****. Mobile is ########## MSN is ***** Please feel free to contact me in the future. Wish you the best and continued success.

***** job transfer notices - Ja*** (2004/09/09)

Dear all, Since I will resign at 9/9, pls. be advised that from 9/10(Fri.) Si*** will fully take charge of *****, any related issues, pls. contact to Si*** (####) and St****(####) directly. Thanks for your great help these days while I was in M. Best Regards, Ja***

感謝各位 - A*** (2004/08/13)

Dear all: 我是***** H/W-A***, 由於信箱被停用, 所以用L*****的E-mail發信給各位, 今天是我在M的最後一天, 感謝各位在這些年來的Support, 留下我的聯絡方式, 有問題可以利用下列方式來聯絡, 因為我人要到大陸工作, 希望是透過mail來聯絡比較方便. Goodbye everybody, 我會想你們的. E-mail: *****@***** Phone: ########## Regards, A***

Goodbye all! - R****** (2004/08/13)

Dear All, This is my last day in M. I thank you all of your help during this time!!! For all my project #### and ####, please contact J** or R***r. Thanks again to all !!! Regards, R******. ####-###-###.

My last day in M - So*** (2004/08/06)

Dear All: Today is my last day in M, and it is indeed my pleasure to co-work with you all. TKS a lot for all your support during my stay in M, and I do appreciate it very much. :) For my current job, from next Monday (Aug. 9), pls. contact my manager, Sam *****@*****, EXT ####, and he will help to take over my job temperately. You can also reach me via my personal E-mail in the future (but not related to work, pls…): *****@*****, my mobile: ########## (###-###-###-###) Take care and keep in touch!! :) Best Regards, So***

Today Is my last Day....Eric (2004/07/16)

Dear All: 07/16是我最後待在M的日子 在這一千多個日子理 感謝大家的協助 如果有得罪的地方請大家多多包含 最未來的日子理 如果小弟能幫上忙的 歡迎來電 tel ########## or ***** Best Regards Eric

Farewell - Ch*** (2004/07/09)

Dear All, Today is my last day at M. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your great support in the last 2 months. I did enjoy working with you all. My e-mail address is *****. Please feel free to contact me in the future. Wish you the best and continued success. Yours sincerely, Ch***