
目前顯示的是 5月, 2006的文章

嗨~~~請將W加入MSN喔 - WL (2006/05/19)

到了在M上班的最後一天,感謝各位這些年來的指導. 希望大家能將我加入MSN好友名單中,以便日後的聯繫囉~~ My MSN: ml@xxxxx.com.tw 祝 平安順心 W

Say Good Bye! - KZ (2006/05/19)

Dear All: This is my last working day in M today.. Thanks for everyone in every things you did and support me in the pass two years. It's my pleasure to work with all of you as well .... my personal e-mail is: az@XXXXXXXX.com mobile phone: ########## my job pass on below member already : 1. XXXXX , CY ##### 2. XXXXX, RL ##### If any with project issue....please contact with them from now on. Anyway, please do remember to keep in touch .....,I look forward to have an opportunity to work with you again. Please take care and good bye .... my friends. Best Regards! KZ

Farewell from GP (2006/05/12)

Dear fellow colleagues, I'm sending this message as I am about to leaving (today is my last day at M). I want to say good-bye and thank you to everyone and express my pleasure at having worked with all of you for past year. I'd love to hear from people in M, so please keep my email address handy. Good-bye and good luck! GP mailto:gp@xxx.xxxxxx.xxx Mobile: +###-###-######

Good bye, Farewell - KW (2006/05/08)

Dear all: 今天是我在M的最後一天. 四年多一路走來受到了許多人的幫忙與照顧,批評及指教. 因而讓我學習成長了不少.感謝大家!! 特別謝謝 XXXX 的同事們在這兩年內的對我照顧, 也謝謝MIS對我在 XXXX 的時候的大力協助. 以下是我的聯絡方式,希望還能夠跟大家保持聯絡. MSN/ E-mail: kwh@xxxxxxxx.com 祝大家 步步高升~ ^.^~ KW

R is leaving - R(2006/05/05)

Hi Guys, Sorry to bother you but to inform you that R is leaving you guys from now. Her successor JP@#### will continue helping with you guys and provide you quality service. You can also reach R with her email address: R@###.XXX.com.tw or MSN: R@XXX.com Ciao! Best Regards,