
目前顯示的是 2010的文章

Farewell to M Colleagues

Goodbye my friends and colleagues, I am leaving my position at M today and will be stating my new job next week. I appreciate that I have an opportunity to work with you and I truly enjoy working here. Thank you for the support and guideline during past 2 years. I am very grateful that the ### team have made a memorable experience through my career. For further Swift project, please contact with A #1234 The USB project- V #1234 P project – K #1234 Thanks for everything. Sincerely, A msn: m@h.com

The last day in M -A (2010/05/12)

Hi All, 今天是我在 M 的最後一天,很榮幸可以跟大家共事這麼久,由於個人的生涯規劃,必需轉換跑道另謀生路。希望未來還有機會跟大家同事。 祝大家 心想事成。 再會! 我的mail 是 a@g.com 電話是 ########## MSN c@h.com A

R's Farewell & Best Wishes - R (2010/4/23)

Dear Team, Today is the last day I serve in M. Sincerely, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you all for the lessons learned from your instruction, together with the memorable teamwork experiences w/ you in the past 2 years. My contact info comes below. * Mobile: ########## * MSN/e-mail: r@h.com Hope that we could keep in contact in the future, as well as whenever there’s any opportunity where I might offer you any kinds of aids, kindly drop me a note. Thank you, for everything. Best Wishes, R

Farewell! - E (2010/4/23)

Dear all: 今天是我在 M 的最後一天, 在公司的四年, 很高興能在XX部從事研發的工作, 長官跟同事們都對我很好, 就好像我的家人一樣. 微星也給了我單純的工作環境, 以及豐富的資源使用. 讓我覺得畢業後能以為 M 當第一份工作是我的榮幸! 另外, 很感謝很多部門的協助, 才能順利的完成不少的產品. 尤其是先後與 Y 部門合作的 Q 及 R, 讓我受益良多, 甚是感謝! 最後也希望大家能步步高升, 賺大錢! 珍重~再見~ 相關交接工作負責人: P: Q R: S, T U: 不做maintain, source封存server V: 不做maintain, source封存server W: 做古了... 好朋友們如果想與我連絡, 不要忘了我的email: e@m.com msn: e@y.com 期待您的聯絡, 願友誼長存!! 加油!!!!!!!

謝謝您的照顧 - C (2010/3/25)

親愛的同事朋友 在 M 四年多的日子很快就過去了 猶記當年相識的畫面,您對我的照顧,點滴在心 難以忘懷 我在月底就要離開 M 再次感謝您一直以來的協助、指導與關懷 祝福您在往後的日子 更加順遂、荷包滿滿、身體健康~還有工作不要太操~ 我的手機: ########## MSN: c@m.com(加我時請說您是誰喔,謝謝) 信箱: m@m.com Best regards, C

更新聯絡方式 - K (2010/4/2)

Dear All 各位大家好,我已於99.03.31日離開現職-E,休息一陣子,計畫邁向新的工作事業,所以請大家寄e-mail不要再寄到舊有信箱給我(K@e.com),請改寄私人信箱:k@a.net 我的聯絡電話不變 ####-###### (保持聯絡),也請認識我的朋友通知我沒寄到的朋友,謝謝大家支持。 Br, K

The last day in M - S (2010/3/31)

Hi All, 今天是我在 M 的最後一天,很榮幸可以跟大家共事這麼久,由於個人的生涯規劃,必需轉換跑道另謀生路。希望未來還有機會跟大家同事。 我的mail 是 s@g.com 電話是 ########## s

Farewell and thank you - MH (2010/4/8)

Hi, I am leaving M today for another stage of my life. And I feel very grateful for the friendship and help from you these years! Let’s keep in touch and here's my contact information: E-mail: l@g.com MSN: h@h.com Thank you all and take care!! MH

P is leaving - P (2010/2/26)

Dear all, Today is my last working today here. I want to say many thanks for your help during the tough days per years. You are really good partners and teachers to me. Hope we have chance to work together in future. Below is my permanent contact. Thanks and keep in touch! Best Regards, P E-mail: p@g.com MSN: p@s.com Mobile: ##########

Goodbye - M (2010/2/26)

很抱歉,在這個關鍵時刻,M要暫時遠離大家, 3月份開始,M請育嬰假照顧寶寶。 工作交接 K 之後會在交接給新人。 最後祝大家順利 E-mail: y@m.com MSN: m@m.com Mobile: ##########