Dear Team, I am taking a one year leave from today, Friday, 08/04/06. I want to thank each one of you for your great effort and support in all launching Models of XXX products. Without your support I personally would not have been successful. We have gone through a lot and learned a lot from each other. For the most part, it was me that had to do all the learning. Personally, I have truly enjoyed the many years in this exciting XXX Team and have been privileged to work with such a highly spirited world-class team, delivering instant value to XX´s business units as well as to vendors and clients. So before moving on, I want to take another moment and say thank you again for the sustained performance/results and the very special work environment within XX XXX Team, you all have made possible with your positive attitude and best team spirit. For those of you moving on into this outstanding XXX team, I wish you all the best and success in your future professional career. Please continue to...