
目前顯示的是 11月, 2005的文章

Today is my last day in M - J** (2004/04/19)

Dear All: Today is my last day in M. Thanks for the supporting me during the past 3 years. My job transferring to those pepole. P**** : H***** and s*****. P**** : H*****, and j***. If there are any problems about those mentioned, please contact with them. Good luck. J**

Thanks for your great help for my past 3 years in M - J** (2004/04/09)

Hi All: I will leave M on 4/19 for my personal issue. Thanks for you guys helping, teaching, supporting me for my career or myself out of office. It is a great experience for me in the past three years. I will return my OA today. You all can contact with me via e-mail, MSN, ICQ, or cell phone. E-mail: ***** MSN: ***** ICQ: ####### Phone: ########## My best Regards J**

My Last Day in M - Elaine (2004/03/31)

Dear all, Today is my last day in M, I do appreciate your support for the last 3 years. It's my pleasure to cowork with you and have your friendship, I really have good time here. Please kindly be informed that Ar**** will take over my jobs, please keep on supporting him as you did. Ar**** email: **** tel: ###-#-####-#### ext. #### Thanks a lot for all your kindly assistance in the past, and take good care. Elaine email: ***** mobile: ###-###-###-###

Good-Bye to My Dear Colleagues - Alex (2004/03/26)

Dear All, Today is my last day in M, and I will say thanks to all that cowork with me during this period. The Job-transfer list as below, P***** ==> M**** ##### / R**** ##### P***** ==> L**** ##### / R**** ##### P***** ==> R**** ##### Anyway, if you have any question which is relative to me, you can call me or send me a mail. C.P. : ####-###### Mail : *****

Kevin (2004/03/19)

Hi All : This is Kevin. I will leave M today . Thanks for your support this year . If you want to contact me , you can call my celphone "*****" or send me "E-Mail: *****" Regards Bye-Bye Kevin

Joe (2004/03/10)

各位親愛的朋友!我是 XXX 的 Joe,今天是我在 M 的最後一天,非常的感謝你們這段日子的照顧,謝謝你們!!! 祝你們身體健康,工作順心!!! 這是我的聯絡方式,往後有什麼忙需要幫的,我會很樂意的服務,謝謝^_^ 手機:***** mail:***** msn:*****

B****n (2004/03/04)

Hi, 今天是我在 M 的最後一個工作天 謝謝大家這兩年的照顧 B****n

T** (2004/03/01)

親愛的同事 我今日要離開 M, 去當自己的老闆. 感謝各位這些日子的幫忙, 協助. Take care, T** e-mail: ***** TEL: *****

Allen (2004/02/25)

Dear All, Thanks a lot for your support and help in the past. I will quit today. My personal contact information is as below. E-mail: ***** Mobile: ***** We can keep contact! Good Lock! Best Regards, Allen

C***y (2004/02/13)

Dear All: 上星期五(2/13)是我在 M 的最後一天。因為有一點忙,所以來不及寫mail給大家,等到忙完之後,MIS人員已將我的權限關了,所以只好透過 L***n 寫信給大家。 首先,謝謝各位的照顧及幫忙,讓我在 M 的這段日子裏成長了不少。因為個人私人的因素,所以沒有辦法與各位繼續合作下去,希望以後還有機會。 以下是小弟個人的聯絡方式。如果不各位不介意的話,可否回個信讓我知道以後要如何和各位連絡。 ***** Mobil:***** PHS: ***** mail address: ***** MSN: *****

Sam (2004/02/06)

Dear All, 今天是在 M 的最後一天,感謝各位兩年來的支持,以下是相關的聯絡窗口,敬請繼續支持啦!!!!沒事請多聯絡!!! XXXXX : Price, Ext: **** XXXXX : Sonia, Ext: **** XXXXX : 新人 2/16 on board, 期間暫由Amy代理, Ext:**** XXXXX : 暫由 Amy 代理, Ext:**** 聯絡電話: ***** E-mail : ***** PS: 離職原因為自行創業,謝謝各位............... Sam

V****g (2003/12/31)

Dear friend, I will leave from M soon. I am sorry that I didn’t say goodbye to you personally. Thanks for your kindly help to me during this period anyhow! I do cherish the memory of days with you all in M. My contact information is: E-Mail: ***** Mobile phone: ***** Bye! Best Regards, V****g

Jordan (2003/12/04)

Dear all, 明天 12/5 是我在 M 工作的最後一天,很感謝這幾年大家的支持與照顧!! 祝福各位事業順利,幸福美滿~~ 有空多聯絡!! 保重。。。 我的手機: ***** Jordan

A**i (2003/11/07)

Dear Pals: 不才工作了一段時間,深感疲勞及失去熱情,因此決定暫時休息一段日子, 離開工作崗位,想想自己怎麼了?今後又該何去何從? 預訂於十一月七日正式離職,而十一月三日至六日則休假中,所以今天及十一月七日是我在 M 的最後二天! 我人會繼續留在台北,歡迎各位同事沒事繼續用E-mail搔擾我:) 我家中的E-mail是*****,手機是*****! 希望大家都可以工作的很順利而且快樂!Keep touch... Thanks and Best Regards... A**i

Andy (2003/10/24)

Hi all, Today is my last day at M. Thanks for your great support in the past. Please continue to support FAE in the future. You may reach me at ***** or call me. ***** Regards,

D***u (2003/10/21)

Dear, Thanks for your supported of these days on M. Hugh will be my deputy for ****. If you have any urgent issue, please contact H###(ext#****) or Joe(#****). Or call my cell phone #: ***** You still can contact me with another e-mail address: ***** or ***** Best Regards,

Joan (2003/10/14)

Dear All 到這個月14為止,將是我在M上班的最後一天,謝謝各位在這段時間的照顧與指教 我的工作將由chinen和sigrid接替.

Charles (2003/04/28)

Dear friends, 今天是我在 M 工作的最後一天( 4/28 ),之後我將離開繼續進修,能跟大家同事真的很開心,謝謝大家一年多來的照顧和幫忙,謝謝大家. 祝大家一切順心! 我的聯絡資料 ***** ***** ***** ICQ: ***** msn: ***** Regards, Charles,

S****n (2003/03/21)

Dear All, Some personal family reason, I will quit from M. Today is the last day. Thanks for all your cooperation during I work in M. I remember I said "S will be the next Super Star" last year. Based on current S Business, It is not only a dream. If no any problem, we can meet the S target revenue.大家加油. Andy will be my deputy before new System Manager come in. His extension number is ****. Pls inform him if have any System Related Issue. Pls also cc to Steven and Jeff if any Mechanical Issue about S Dept. from now on. For **** and **** project, **** : Top manager is Allen. All **** related things have to inform Allen. **** : Top manager is Jupiter. All **** related things have to inform Jupiter. 以下是我的聯絡方式,有空歡迎到中部玩(921 Location ; 越震越美 ---> 經過921洗禮,變得更美麗) Mobile : ***** E-mail : ***** Thanks for your help again. I will miss you all in future. Best Regards,

Joseph (2003/02/18)

Dear all: 今天是小弟在M的最後一天,對於這兩年多以來和你們共事的每一天,我真的都非常的懷念與珍惜!天下無不散的宴席,雖然從今天開始,我們就不在同一間辦公室一起努力,同事的關係也只到今天為止,但我真誠的希望從今天開始,將會是我們朋友關係的嶄新開始! 希望除了開會或討論project以外,不論每件事情你們都仍然還是會想到找我(尤其是吃喝玩樂的事)!我有機會也一定會回來跟大家哈拉哈拉!以下是我們個人e-mail信箱,等到我的新工作安頓好,我會再mail我在公司的聯絡方式給大家! e-mail address: ***** mobile: ***** 再次感謝大家!! PS 如果各位星期假日有到陽明山或天母玩的時候,歡迎各位到我家坐坐!! Best Regards Joseph

離職信收集(Farewell collection)

從來到 M 公司開始,就陸續收到很多離職信. 這裡會陸續貼出,作為以後參考的範本. Since I came to M company, I got lots of farewell. I will post them here for references.